
And So It Begins

By Ethan Dirks

What's the best way to spend your summer? Going swimming? Meeting new people? Enjoying a romantic sunset walk on the beach with your significant other?...

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3 Day Startup

By Justin Key

This past weekend the Plot Guru team returned to where it all began. Well, sort of. For the past five months Ethan and I have been helping to organize a weekend startup accelerator event here in Austin called 3 Day Startup...

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Seems Annoying

By Ethan Dirks

We've gotten a lot of good feedback on Plot Guru. Friends, family, co-workers, and mentors alike are all pretty on-board with the idea. But just every once in a while – I'll get that one comment: "Seems annoying."

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I Have So Many Questions

By Ethan Dirks

Plot Guru relies on a foundation of three valuable assets: the app itself (design, code, etc), our users, and the questions. Let's talk about that last one a bit.

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Getting Started

By Justin Key

So lets start from the beginning. After about six years working in strategy and operations consulting, I decided that it was time for a change.

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